Scenario 1 match 1: GOLIATH vs ESCHER
In questa prima partita di campagna si sono scontrate le HIVE WHORES contro gli GUASTOTORI MALDESTRI.
I cani hanno dapprima tirato una possente granata sul leader delle puttane, Jelena è finita male a causa di una frag tirata sotto i suoi piedi...Alcuni infetti hanno poi dato filo da torcere alla Escher Nokimi mandandola K.O.
Anche i Goliath hanno subito una perdita, Kruger caduto sotto i colpi di un infetto, è uscito dai giochi.
I Goliath hanno avuto anche la meglio sul grande putrido attaccandolo alle spalle mentre era impegnato a colpire le HIVE WHORES...
il match è stato vinto dai GUASTOTORI MALDESTRI che hanno catturato 10 teste di infetto (contro le solo 4 delle HIVE WHORES) e hanno mandato in rotta gli avversari
On the outskirts of the anthill a new bacteriological weapon of unknown origin was tested by a group of scientists in the pay of the war magnates. Although the virus has not had the desired effect, it has caused horrendous changes in the civilians involved. The dominating families and guilds are interested in the territory being cleaned up and offered sizes for every infected one. Among the smaller and less rich bands a kind of gold rush was born to secure the reward credits. But the territory has soon become the scene of quarrel among opposing groups .....
In this first campaign match the HIVE WHORES clashed against GUASTOTORI MALDESTRI.
The dogs first pulled a mighty grenade on the leader of the whores, Jelena ended badly because of a fragment pulled beneath her feet ... Some infected then gave a hard time to Escher Nokimi sending it K.O.
Even the Goliath suffered a loss, Kruger fell under the blows of an infected, he came out of the games.
The Goliaths also had the best of the great putrid attacking him from behind while he was busy hitting the HIVE WHORES ...
the match was won by the GUASTOTORI MALDESTRI, who captured 10 heads of infect (against only 4 of the HIVE WHORES) and routed the opponents